Mental health treatment can produce greater benefits when integrated with appropriate complementary approaches.
Our lifestyle has a profound impact on our overall well-being. Healthy habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep contribute to physical and emotional health while poor lifestyle choices can lead to stress, fatigue and numerous other problems. By making conscious decisions to improve our daily routines, we can enhance our quality of life and promote long-term wellness.

Exercise can reduce depressive symptoms, improve cardiac health and contribute to improved sleep... which also supports improvements in mood, focus and physical health.
Certain forms of physical exercise can enhance activity of neurotransmitters, increase neuroplasticity, decrease neuro-inflammation and enhance the response to Mental health treatment

The microbiome in our GI tract is influenced by what we eat.. which in turn influences the brain by a network of nerves connecting our brain and gastrointestinal system.
The nature of our social connection to others effects not only our well-being and response to mental health treatment but also our physical health and longevity.
Meditation, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology can improve Mental heath treatment and provide many other benefits for well-being and quality of life.